VIRTUAL HSCP - HSCP Annual Conference 2023
Date & Time:
Parental/Carer Anxiety: Exploring the Potential Safeguarding Impact on Children
The Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership's (HSCP) Annual Conference will explore the potential impact of parental/carer anxiety on children of different ages and developmental stages to identify the possible different safeguarding concerns; from an unborn baby to 18 years. Presenters will discuss the importance of understanding the child’s lived experience and the impact of living with parents/carers with anxiety, to support working together to promote best outcomes.
The Conference will include learning from case reviews, which professionals from Hampshire partnership agencies will link to an operational context. Professionals who attend this Conference will learn how heightened anxious behaviour in parents/ carers should be recognised, responded to, and supported.
The Conference will provide insights into how professionals can be empowered to work with other agencies to provide an effective, collaborative response. This will include exploring effective safeguarding supervision, as well as policies and guidance associated with collective responsibilities when managing and escalating multi-agency professional disagreements.
Learning Outcomes: