Virtual HSCP - Protecting Childhood: Keeping Child Focused

Date & Time:

Wednesday 15 October 2025 (09:30 - 10:30)

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Virtual Course, Microsoft Teams


Effective safeguarding practice is built upon treating children as children in our words and practice as professionals, to promote the child's wellbeing. 

This session is desgined to provide a space for professionals to reflect on unconscious bias and how this may impact upon professional practice and outcomes for children. The session will offer information and ways to support professionals in remaining child focused. 

Learning Outcomes: 

  • To understand the term 'adultification' and the impacts of this.
  • To understand the mechanisms of child/victim blaming language. 
  • To consider the impact of adultification and child/victim blaming language.
  • To look at key examples and how we can make changes. 
  • To know where professionals can access resources to support best practice. 

Places Available:


Further Information:

Venue Details:

Virtual Course, Microsoft Teams