VIRTUAL HSCP - Lunchtime Learning - Housing & Homelessness Prevention

Date & Time:

Wednesday 28 January 2026 (12:00 - 13:00)

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Virtual Course, Microsoft Teams


Access to secure and safe accommodation is a basic need and lack of this is often a factor in safeguarding cases for children and adults.  This webinar is being delivered by the Housing Officers from Test Valley Borough Council and will provide an overview of housing policies, our homelessness prevention role and what a person can expect from Housing Services. This course is available to all Hampshire professionals working with children and young people.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Provide an awareness of the legal duties to provide accommodation for people
  • Explain how accommodation is allocated
  • Understand the requirements to support people at risk of  becoming homeless and support for those who are
  • Understand how to support families where housing is a factor

What previous delegates have said about this course:

"Very helpful for my role, thank-you."

Places Available:


Further Information:



Venue Details:

Virtual Course, Microsoft Teams