*HSCP and IOWSCP Annual Designated Safeguarding Leads Conference 2023 (BOOKING PAGE)

Date & Time:

Thursday 15 June 2023 (09:15 - 15:30)

Tell me about future dates of this event


Virtual Course, Microsoft Teams


Hampshire and Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnerships are pleased to announce that booking is now available for the HSCP and IOWSCP Designated Safeguarding Leads Conference. This conference is designed to develop understanding of the role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) in supporting a child-centred, multi-agency response to safeguarding concerns. The conference will explore how this response is informed by an understanding of the child’s lived experience and their wider context.

The conference will support professionals in their understanding of the work of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub, referral pathways and the different statutory thresholds of Child in Need and Child Protection work. Speakers from Hampshire and Isle of Wight education settings, as well as partnership agencies, will provide insights into how DSLs can be empowered to work with other agencies to support an effective response to safeguarding concerns and current emerging safeguarding themes. Safeguarding themes covered during the day will include child-on-child abuse, child sexual abuse and online safety. The conference will include learning from case reviews and audits, to support professionals working within schools to reflect upon their role in hearing the child’s voice, sharing information and understanding risk.

Following on from the success of last year’s DSL conference, this year’s event will be held virtually on MS Teams. Providing a delegate attends the whole day, this conference will satisfy the statutory refresher training for DSLs, as identified in KCSiE 2022.  This event is open to all DSLs across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight early years settings, schools and colleges.

Additional Face-to-Face Workshop

In addition to the virtual conference, a face-to-face workshop is being offered to enhance learning. This workshop is designed to build upon the content of the virtual conference, allowing Designated Safeguarding Leads the important opportunity to explore the use of important tools and resources to support their professional response to safeguarding concerns. Places at the face-to-face workshop are limited due to the capacity of the venue.

Hampshire: 16 June 2023 09.00 – 12.30 Ashburton Hall, E II Court, The Castle, Winchester SO23 8UJ

Isle of Wight: 21 June 2023 09.00 – 12.30 The Isle of Wight College, Medina Way, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 5TA

Learning Outcomes:

Virtual Conference

  • Understand the role and function of the Children’s Reception Team (CRT) and the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), including thresholds.
  • Strengthen understanding of safeguarding in the context of children’s online lives and their use of social media.
  • Explore how professionals can raise awareness and provide support around online safety and emerging online risks.
  • Understand current multi-agency work being undertaken to identify, protect and support victims of sexual abuse and their families.
  • Strengthen understanding of child-on-child abuse and creating a culture of zero-tolerance in education settings.
  • Understand what Prevent is and the Prevent referral pathway.
  • Explore HSCP toolkits and resources to support the work of DSLs with children and their families.
  • Develop awareness of themes emerging from local reviews and audits across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Face-to-Face Workshop

  • Use case studies to explore the IOWSCP and HSCP practitioner tools available and consider how they can be used to support completion of an Inter-Agency Referral Form and multi-agency work.
  • Develop understanding of the tools included in the HIPS Child Sexual Abuse Toolkit and explore how these can be used to support professional practice.
  • Understand the impact of parental orientated issues and how the HIPS Family Approach Toolkit can support professionals to work effectively with families.
  • Collaborative discussion on how these tools can be embedded in practice and used to support Designated Safeguarding Leads in their role.



Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:

Venue Details:

Virtual Course, Microsoft Teams