VIRTUAL HSCP - An Introduction to Having Honest Conversations

Date & Time:

Wednesday 11 June 2025 (09:30 - 11:00)

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Virtual Course, Microsoft Teams


Professionals are required to have honest conversations with parents/carers, children, and other professionals they come in to contact with. It can sometimes be difficult to navigate these conversations, and to convey what you need to say in an understanding and accepting way. This course is an introduction to navigating these dialogues and is open to all professionals and volunteers working with Hampshire's children.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn about the existing barriers to having honest conversations
  • Understand the possible consequences of not having honest conversations   
  • Understand how planning honest conversations in advance can support outcomes

What previous delegates have said about this course:

“Always great to be with others and recognise we are all working in the same solution focused and informed way.  The Honest Conversations course was a reminder of how and why we do this and, of putting the whole family at the centre to ensure best outcomes.  Great training.”

Places Available:


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Venue Details:

Virtual Course, Microsoft Teams