Virtual HSCP - Strengthening Parental Relationships 2025

Date & Time:

Tuesday 25 February 2025 (09:30 - 12:30)

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Virtual Course, Microsoft Teams


Delivered by the Nishkam Civic Association (Supported by Birmingham Children's Trust), this training is a programme designed to support professionals to support loving, safe and caring relationships in the home. This is through a values and virtues led approach to reduce parental conflict.

This half day training is designed to develop professional confidence in speaking to parents about the impact of conflict and an increased understanding of the tools available to support families in Hampshire, including the One Plus One digital resources. These tools include facilitator guides, which will support attendees to embed these in practice.


Learning Outcomes: 

  • Improved understanding of parental conflict and the impact it has on children.
  • Ability to more effectively recognise and understand how to differentiate between domestic abuse and parental conflict.
  • Increased confidence on how to approach challenging conversations where parental conflict has been identified.
  • Increased confidence in using parental conflict tools in everyday practice.
  • Improved awareness of Hampshire’s current ‘Strengthening Parental Relationships’ offer and increased confidence to discuss this with families.



Places Available:


Further Information:




Nishkam Civic Association Supported by Birmingham Children's Trust

Venue Details:

Virtual Course, Microsoft Teams